(318) 559-2750


Get moving as a family

Finding the right time to get daily movement in together as a family may be challenging due to personal schedules throughout the week and even the weekend. The physical activity guidelines recommend “to move more and sit less”, therefore it is important for adults to get at least 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity each week and 60 minutes for youth.

Take a ride in bike month

As May blooms, so does the spirit of National Bike Month. Throughout your community, you've likely seen neighbors, friends and family enjoying the warmer weather and fresh air by riding their bikes. Perhaps you've even considered joining them but hesitated due to concerns about safety and infrastructure.

Briarfield to hold baccalaureate

Briarfield Academy will host its Baccalaureate Program on Sunday, May 5, at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church in Lake Providence. The service will honor the school’s senior class. The Class of 2024 includes: Jason Ty Allen, James Patrick Batton, Carson Ruhl Brumley, Benjamin Grady Coullard, Zebulen James Eubanks, Katherine Michael Fortenberry, Patrick Miller Holt, Scottlyn Elizabeth Howard, Alexander Paul Marsh, Zander Kyle Morris, Yosajandi Capetillo Perez, Ryder Lane Sanderson, Destiny Nicole Scott, Isaiah Joseph-Scott Shaw, Lawson Haze Womack, Aidan Joseph Woodall.